Difference between Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Kernel in OS
Introduction :...
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Difference between Clock-driven and Event-driven Scheduling
The real-time task can be scheduled by operating system using various scheduling algorithms. These scheduling algorithms are classified on the basis of determination of scheduling points....
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Difference Between User Mode and Kernel Mode
User Mode: When a Program is booted up on an Operating system let’s say Windows, then it launches the program in user mode. When a user-mode program requests to run, a process and virtual address space (address space for that process) are created for it by Windows. User-mode programs are less privileged than user-mode applications and are not allowed to access the system resources directly. For instance, if an application under user mode wants to access system resources, it will have to first go through the Operating system kernel by using syscalls....
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Difference between Turn Around Time (TAT) and Waiting Time (WT) in CPU Scheduling
In CPU Scheduling, we often need to find the average Turnaround and Waiting Time with the help of Arrival, Burst and Completion Time. Let’s have a brief look of them: Turnaround Time (TAT):...
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Requirements of Memory Management System
Memory management keeps track of the status of each memory location, whether it is allocated or free. It allocates the memory dynamically to the programs at their request and frees it for reuse when it is no longer needed. Memory management meant to satisfy some requirements that we should keep in mind....
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Program for SSTF Disk Scheduling Algorithm
Given an array of disk track numbers and initial head position, our task is to find the total number of seek operations done to access all the requested tracks if Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) is a disk scheduling algorithm is used....
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Redundancy in System Design
In the context of System design, redundancy refers back to the inclusion of extra components or measures beyond what is exactly important for fundamental capability. It is a planned duplication or provision of backup resources in a device to enhance reliability, availability, and fault tolerance. Redundancy is employed to mitigate the effect of element failures, limit downtime, and ensure the device’s continued operation under various conditions....
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Difference between Microkernel and Monolithic Kernel
What is a kernel ?The kernel is a computer program at the core of a computer’s operating system and has complete control over everything in the system. It manages the operations of the computer and the hardware.There are five types of kernels :...
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Difference between Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming
Multiprocessing is a system that has two or more than one processors. In this, CPUs are added for increasing the computing speed of the system. Because of Multiprocessing, there are many processes that are executed simultaneously. Multiprocessing is further classified into two categories: Symmetric Multiprocessing, Asymmetric Multiprocessing....
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Bakery Algorithm in Process Synchronization
Prerequisite – Critical Section, Process Synchronization, Inter Process Communication The Bakery algorithm is one of the simplest known solutions to the mutual exclusion problem for the general case of N process. Bakery Algorithm is a critical section solution for N processes. The algorithm preserves the first come first serve property....
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Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) CPU Scheduling
CPU scheduling is the process of deciding which process will own the CPU to use while another process is suspended. The main function of CPU scheduling is to ensure that whenever the CPU remains idle, the OS has at least selected one of the processes available in the ready-to-use line. Highest Response Ratio Next (HRRN) Scheduling is a part of nonpreemptive CPU scheduling....
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Accolite Interview Experience | On-Campus ( Internship + FTE) 2021
Round 1 – Online MCQ round conducted on EduThrill which is their very own platform for conducting tests and hiring challenges. This round consisted of 30 MCQs to be solved in 30mins. These MCQs were covering topics such as OS, DBMS, C Outputs, Networking based on routing and subnetting, Aptitude, Java Output Questions. You have to be both fast as well as accurate to crack it. A total of 1000(approx.) students gave this test and only 200 qualified for the next round....
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